1. Take a picture of the gloves you bought yesterday; one pair for your friend (who won't get them until well after the Olympics.
2. Take a picture of the icicle growing outside the door. (This is an amazing icicle, as Mike is very fussy about the eaves trough. For those fans, there are two rows of beautiful parsnips that did not get dug up before the ground froze solid, we will have a sweet feast in the spring.
3. Go to the grocery store and buy a huge bag of jalapeno peppers languishing on the half price table. clean them, slice them and put them into clean jars. Then pour the same brine as for dill pickles (without the dill) into the jars, seal them up and let them sit for a couple of weeks. That'll warm you up. By the way, the safety glasses and gloves are not photo props, but used; gloves are inside-out because I am actually capable of learning.
An interesting combination of hot and cold. Hot mitts and jalapenos, cold icicles and cold snow.