Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Sunday with the Family

I have only had the opportunity to have Thanksgiving for the whole family a couple of times. Partly, because we have it on the Sunday and partly because when we really get together, there are too many for my table. A dozen friendly people is all I can seat at the table. It is usually at the home of my eldest sister, but this year things worked out so that Mike and I could host a party of ten.

The killer squash was bought at vegetable stand in Thamesville, a week or so before; Mike picked up the fresh turkey at Franz's turkey farm just off Mandaumin Road, and the pastry shells for the sweet potato pies were from the Culinary Goddess who doubles as a choir member in Dresden. Apart from the cranberries, I believe that we honoured the hundred-mile food diet. Family always plays well in this and the rest of the food was supplied by the other guests.
It was lovely. The squash, dressing and pies had all been made the day before and Mike had the extra panels in the table when I got home, and the stuffed turkey in the oven. One sister, who has not been home for Thanksgiving for several years (she lives in Kingston) came. It wasn't because it was at my house, but that it might be the last family dinner that I will host in Canada for a while. (they hope too, in the kindest way)

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