I generally have my camera with me in my purse. Driving down country roads, one frequently has the opportunity to get a picture of something that will only come once. I was using my cell phone for a while, and had some great shots of the tree arches on the way from Aughrim to Florence, but they were lost when I (are you ready for this??) dropped my phone into the water above the Mormon Flats Dam in Arizona (at Tortilla Flats). Brilliant. I have some great pictures of a flock of trumpeter swans on the new cell phone. I caught that picture on the way to Dresden from Thamesville...on my way back to celebrate a baptism, after the two morning services. Don't panic, liturgical folk, it was not a private baptism, but fully open and well attended--it just couldn't be done in the morning for logistical reasons.
I still haven't figured out out to download from my cell phone to the computer (such a sharp curve, so little time) Sadly, (Does anybody know how?) So, now I take my camera, and keep it cleared in case of stupidity.
I figure that if the Divine One has use for me in New Zealand, then I am going to want some pictures of the roads paved, unpaved and muddy that I have sped over the last several years. I was going to put some on the bottom of this post, but I have yet to figure out how to do that or if I can. I will just have to
LOVED the photo of the field with the sunflower. I too carry my camera around with me most of the time.